Thank you for giving!

Thank you for your donation. As a grassroots, volunteer led charity, we depend on the generosity of our donors to ensure that FAB Girls have the opportunity to lace up their shoes and get to the start line.

Your support provides girls with an empowering environment that encourages them to become more physically active and enhances self-confidence, helps cultivate peer friendships, and builds supportive relationships with our coaches. Thank you for believing in the importance of helping young girls become strong women, one goal at a time.

Sponsor a FAB Girl donations are directed specifically to cover the cost of running our programs.

Every $200 donation will help a FAB Girl acquire goal setting skills and improve her self esteem by providing an opportunity for her to participate in the FREE, 12-week FAB Girls 5K Challenge Program.

Each FAB Girl will also receive:

  • a new pair of quality running shoes
  • transportation and entry to a minimum of three local races
  • a personal goal-setting journal
  • a FAB T-shirt
  • healthy snacks
  • improved confidence

General donations allow us the flexibility to apply your donation where we need it the most, often a combination of program and operating expenses.